User Research
As a social worker, our foundational text was Where to Start and What to Ask, which helped us form proper assessments and approach people respectfully. I treat fact-finding in UX similarly. I set aside judgment, leave space for silences, and work to understand what the user is saying (or not saying) as well as uncover patterns in the data.
User Interface Design
Once upon a time my role was to help people navigate different systems such as housing and healthcare. Having worked in environments where the digital divide was great, I as a UX/UI Designer am committed to designing interfaces that are accessible to the widest range of users because all users deserve equitable access to information and resources.
Web Development
Motivational interviewing, a clinical tool, assumes that nurturing the parts of people that want to grow and change will move them from ambivalence to action. I see good web development as a well-crafted story with strategically placed and irresistable calls to action that can inspire users to explore a digital product.
Need another design warrior for social good? Reach out!
Location: Brooklyn, NY 11221
Phone: (646) 271-9623
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